“The extraordinary gala of the young guitarists”
Ștefan Roman (Sibiu), Dorian Voinea (București), Filip Zsombor (Sfântu Gheorghe)
Șuțu Palace, during the musical season “Iosif Sava”of the Foundation ACCUMM
1st of November, at 19
“Musica Orientalis”: Costin Soare – guitar, Ștefan Nistor – actor
In programme, world premieres by: Dan Dediu, Carmen Cârneci,
Gabriel Almași, Sebastian Androne
National Museum “George Enescu”
2nd of November, at 18
“On the canopy when the Moon appears…”
Recital Maria Răducanu (voice) – Maxim Belciug (guitar)
Works by: Purcell, Lorca, traditional music
Auditorium Hall of the Cervantes Institute
4th of November, at 19
Workshop in concert (with the participation of the Kitharalogos Quartet and of the students of UNMB: Ana Bibescu, Silviu Grosu, Alexandru Ștefănoiu)
Works by: Leo Brower, Manuel Maria Ponce, Cătălin Ștefănescu-Pătrașcu, Sebastian Androne ș.a
The National University of Music Bucharest, Auditorium Hall
6th of November, at 18
Recital “Shakespeare – between two worlds”
Duo Dragoș-Mihai Cohal – tenor, Constantin Lazăr – lute,
Reinbert Evers, Germany – guitar
Recital of Elizabethan music for lute and voice/ Recital of contemporary music
Works by: John Dowland, Hans Werner Henze – with the participation of actors Ștefan Nistor and Claudia Ene
The National Centre of Arts “Tinerimea Română”
8th of November, at 19
“Through the looking glass…”
Recital SoloDuo (Italy) – Lorenzo Micheli – Matteo Mela
Works by: Beethoven, Debussy, Rodrigo
Auditorium of the Central University Library “Carol I”
11th of November, at 19
“Chitarra Latina”
Recital Pablo Márquez (Argentina)
Works by: Sor, Barrios, Leguizamon, López Chavarri
Auditorium of the Central University Library “Carol I”
12th of November, at 19
Cătălin Ştefănescu-Pătraşcu / National College of Arts “Dinu Lipatti”, 3rd of November, 10-14;
Claudiu Lobonţ / National College of Arts “Dinu Lipatti”, 6th of November, 10-14;
Tudor Niculescu / National College of Arts “Dinu Lipatti”, 7th of November, 10-14;
Reinbert Evers (Germany)/ National University of Music Bucharest, “Dinu Lipatti” Hall, 9th of November, 13-16
Lorenzo Micheli and Matteo Mela (Italy) / National University of Music Bucharest, Auditorium Hall, 12th of November, 9-13;
Pablo Marquez (Argentina) / National University of Music Bucharest, Auditorium Hall, 13th of November, 10-14;
The conference on musicological themes regarding the guitar, held at The National University of Music Bucharest, “Dinu Lipatti” Hall, 9th of November, 10-12;
- Reinbert Evers (Germany): “The guitar in the contemporary music”
- Costin Soare: “The Lute Suites by J. S. Bach: two case studies”